深圳市邦国天下货运代理有限公司是一家物流综合服务商,专业FBA头程货代,主营国际空运、国际海运、国际快递、欧洲铁路以及欧洲卡航等运输服务,直达**200多个国家和地区,顺应时代发展趋势,借助国家“一带一路”倡议对跨境电商行业的鼎力支持,已初步建立为客户提供一体化综合物流解决方案的能力,不仅提供配送端的物流服务,还延伸至价值链前端的产、供、销、配等环节,从消费者需求出发,以数据为牵引,利用大数据分析和云计算技术,为客户提供仓储管理、销售预测、大数据分析、金融管理等一揽子解决方案。 Shenzhen city the land freight forwarding co., LTD is a comprehensive logistics service providers, professional FBA head cheng freight forwarders, the main international air transport, international shipping, international express, the European railway and Europe card navigation and other transportation services, to more than 200 countries and regions in the world, development trend of The Times, with the help of national "area" initiative, cross-border electricity industry support, has been set up for the customer's ability to provide integrated logistics solutions, not only provide delivery end of logistics service, also extends to the front end of value chain of production, supply, sales and distribution, starting from the consumer demand, in the data, for traction, Using big data analysis and cloud computing technology, we provide customers with a package of solutions for warehouse management, sales forecasting, big data analysis, financial management and so on.